Trainer's Tips RSS

The Conventional ‘Training an off-switch method’ is when you teach your dog that when you step on their lead, that a cue that no training is happening and it’s time to settle.  Teaching the off switch is an important life skill for when you are occupied, so the dog can relax and watch the world go (for example the pub!) Here’s what Laura, Luna the English springer’s Mum, had to say about the value of training this behaviour: "As high-energy dogs, we wanted to work on having Luna relaxed joining us at the pub and sports events. We worked on settle training...

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The Tasty AND healthy training reward that you can add to your dog’s treat pouch THAT CAN ACTIVATE THEIR LONGEVITY GENES 🧬 Sprats are 100% whole dried oily fish that offer numerous nutritional benefits.   Why feed these to your dog? We all want our best friends to live long, happy, and healthy lives.   Feeding 1 or more oily fish a day, two or three times a week can unlock incredible health benefits for your dog1   Natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids These essential fatty acids also play a big role in promoting healthy skin Oily fish contains CoQ10. This...

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Hi, I’m Emma Filby, a professional Dog Trainer near Cambridge at Anglian Dog Works, accredited by The Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT). I know that fireworks season can be a difficult time of year for dogs and their owners. In fact, according to the RSPCA, as many as 62% of dogs and 54% of cats show signs of distress during the fireworks season. I am here to offer up some tips on what you can do to keep your dog calm during Fireworks:   Before the display Make a den:  Create a safe hiding place that is low down, covered...

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“Rosie, our lab, is 5 months now and our biggest issue we can't seem to get rid of is counter surfing. She's never gotten anything from the counter, but it doesn't stop her checking to see what's up there!! And as she grows she can reach further and further. Living in hope!   Another one that crops up occasionally is barking. She'll have a day where she barks at tiny noises. I have to be honest and say its usually the days where she hasn't had quite enough exercise, and when she starts it seems to go on all day....

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I know that fireworks season can be a difficult time of year for dogs and their owners, and I am here to offer up some tips on how to help you and your dogs to cope. Preparations I am posting this advice in advance of the 5th of November because displays will be doing on throughout the lead-up to the official bonfire night and there are plenty of preparations that can be done now to be ready. Get dogs used to bangs:  Find a soundtrack on YouTube of fireworks noises. In the run-up to the first display, play the soundtrack very quietly & make it...

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