Dog Agility
What we do in the first week of the beginners course
In week 1 we kick off by introducing some of the key equipment and commands by running some straight runs over jumps and tunnels. Plus, obedience...
How to start Dog Agility Training
Here’s a quick overview of the options there are to join us at Anglian Dog Works, Cambridge. Click the links below for more details Want a...
Dog Agility Jump Heights
Q: How high should my dog jump in agility? A: It's dependent on their size, age and ability. Click to watch the video or read more 0cm Firstly...
“Go round”: Guide 3
Dog Agility at Home, “Go round” Guide 3: teaching the cue. Requirement: your dog can follow an empty hand directing them behind a single post in...
"Go round": Guide 2
Get Started in Dog Agility at Home. Guide 2: "Go round". Going around a single jump wing or pole following the handlers ‘driving arm’. Requirement: your...
Training "Pull Throughs"
What: a “Pull through” is a term used in dog agility when your dog takes two obstacles in the same direction by being called through the gap...
Front Cross: Guide 2
Get Started in Dog Agility at Home. Front Cross. Guide 2 What: A front cross is a handling move where you get ahead of your dog...
"Fan Work": Guide 2
Get Started in Dog Agility at Home. Guide 2: fan work foundations: direct with a driving arm around four jump wings arranged in a circle (up...
Front Cross: Guide 1
Get Started in Dog Agility at Home. Front Cross. Guide 1 What: A front cross is a handling move where you get ahead of your dog and...