Trainer's Tips

How to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks | Dog Trainer Cambridge | Book Our Autumn Agility Bash Nov 3rd

How to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks | Dog Trainer Cambridge | Book Our Autumn Agility Bash Nov 3rd

How to Calm Your Dog During Fireworks Season | Cambridge Dog Trainer

Fireworks season can be a stressful time for dogs and their owners, but with the right preparation, you can help your dog stay calm and relaxed. As a professional dog trainer near Cambridge at Anglian Dog Works, Iā€™m here to share some expert advice.

Preparing Your Dog for Fireworks

Fireworks season isĀ approaching, and planning can make all the difference. As many as 62% of dogs experience anxiety during fireworks according to the RSPCA, so preparing your dog is essential. Hereā€™s what you can do:

Make a Safe Space (Den Building)

  • Create a cosy, insulated space for your dog to retreat during the fireworks.
  • Cover the area with blankets to muffle sounds. Using a crate or space under a table is ideal.
  • Establish the den as a positive place by hiding treats and toys for distraction in the days and weeks leading up to the local displays.
    In Cambridge, that's Tuesday the 5th, In Linton it'sĀ Saturday 9th of November - but we know it's likely that home displays will start up several days beforehand.Ā 

Desensitisation with Firework Sounds

  • Gradually exposing your dog to firework sounds ahead of time can help them acclimate to the noise.

For example, inspired by a recent conversation with Greg atĀ Waggy's, our official Doggy Day Care partners, theyā€™ve implemented some thoughtful strategies to help dogs in their kennels feel more comfortable during the fireworks season.Ā 

They are nowĀ helping theirĀ boarders by playingĀ fireworks noises intermittently at low volumes in the lead-up to fireworks night. Gradually increase the volume to help your dog adjust without overwhelming them.

SmallĀ updates likeĀ this show howĀ thoughtful changes can make a big difference for dogs during the fireworks season.


Exercise and Settle Early

  • Give your dog plenty of exercise before dark, so theyā€™re naturally more tired and calm.
  • Alongside our regular weekday and weekend training, on one of the first days displays might start, training members can join our Autumn Agility Bash on Sunday, November 3rd for a fun-filled session to burn off that extra energy, which can help your dog relax later in the evening.

During Fireworks ā€“ Keep Calm and Comfort Your Dog

Muffle the Bangs

  • Close curtains and keep windows shut to block out the noise.
  • Play relaxing music or keep the TV on to help mask theĀ fireworks sounds. Many dog owners, including myself, find playing Classic FM particularly soothing for dogs during this time.

Offer Comfort and Reassurance

  • Be present and reassure your dog if they seek comfort. Alternatively, allow them to hide in their safe space if they prefer to be alone.

Distract with Toys and Treats

  • Chewing can release calming hormones like dopamine. Offer your dog a yak chew or a Kong stuffed with their favourite snack.
  • You can also try calming teas like chamomile, valerian, or lavender (add these to their food once cooled).

Tune into BBC Cambridge for My Interview on Fireworks Night

As we get closer to Bonfire Night, Iā€™ll be appearing live onĀ BBC CambridgeĀ to share more insights and expert advice on how to keep your dog calm during fireworks season. Keep an eye (or ear!) out for the interview and tune in for more tips.


Exclusive Event for Anglian Dog Works Training Members ā€“ Join Our Autumn Agility Bash on November 3rd!

šŸŽƒšŸ‚ Autumn Agility Bash šŸ‚ | Burn Off Energy Before Fireworks Night

On Sunday, November 3rd, members can join us for a fall-inspired day of agility, games, and fun! The event is perfect for dogs of all experience levels and is a great way to tire your dog out before the fireworks begin.

  • Date: Sunday, November 3rd
  • Location: Top Field, Anglian Dog Works, Cambridge
  • Activities: Autumn-themed agility course, Tennis Ball Bobbing, Distraction Alley Recall with Halloween props, and more!
  • Special Features: Hot drinks available (bring your own mug), staggered arrival times for ample play and relaxation.
  • Costumes: Optional, but highly encouraged for a spooky good time!

After this fun-filled day, your dog will head home happy, tired, and more likely to settle down as the fireworks begin later in the evening.

Click here to book now

Need Professional Help? Contact Your Local Dog Trainer in Cambridge

If you need more guidance, Iā€™m here to help! As an accredited dog trainer by the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT), I offer a range of obedience and agility classes around Cambridge, in Balsham and Barton. Whether you're dealing with fireworks anxiety or just want to enhance your dog's skills, get in touch to find out how I can support you.

Book Your Spot Now

Donā€™t miss out on our Autumn Agility Bash or the chance to prepare your dog for fireworks. Book now to reserve your spot, or get in touch for personalised dog training services in the Cambridge area.
