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Candles are wonderful to create a beautifully scented environment, but did you know, the wick, the wax, and the scent could affect your and your dog’s health? I had no idea until my dog had a persistent cough and our vet suggested I checked the fragrances in our home were dog friendly. So, I delved into looking into whether I had dog safe home fragrance and am here to share what I learnt! While the products at Anglian Dog Works are formulated to be dog safe, many scented candles, diffusers and air fresheners, such as plug-ins and aerosol types come...

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6 rules to remember One: Never leave a candle unattended. Two: Keep an open flame out of reach, away from drafts, flammable materials, and waggy tails to avoid the possibility of a fire hazard. Three: If you’re looking for a fragrant solution that doesn’t pose a fire hazard, you can choose one of our soy paw print wax melts and an electric wax heater. Four: Check the dog is not averse to the scent by taking off the lid and offering it to them to sniff and carefully observe. Five: Please remember dogs’ sense of smell is 40x stronger than humans; light in a...

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We can teach a dog not to jump when they meet people or dogs on a walk, by instead training that when we stop walking it is a cue for them to automatically sit and reward them when they do so. Then, progress to proofing their sit around distractions.    Why does this training stop a dog jumping up on a walk? If we teach a dog that when we stop it is a cue for them to sit, out on our walks we can stop when we see previous triggers such as people or dogs approaching.  With a dog seated,...

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Why I use food as a reward in dog training & a tasty Liver Cake recipe Food is a primary resource for dogs. Every day they are going to receive their meal allowance and we have two delivery options: Option A: At most, we ask them for a ‘sit’ before they are given a bowl full of potential reinforcers. Option B: We can use some of their daily ration as part of our training to transform our relationship.   Let's imagine the time you spend on your training as a jar. Every time that you reward a behaviour, you're putting...

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  • What is Loose-Lead Walking?
  • Why do dogs pull on their leash? 

What is the fastest way to train your dog not to pull?

We take a two-step approach:

  1. Don’t reward the behaviour you don’t want, pulling.
  2. Do reward the behaviour we do want, Loose Lead Walking.
  • Consistency is key
  • Why is our training effective 
  • The Science 
  • & How to get started 

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